Where to Put Cum Laude in a Resume

If you graduated with a cum laude distinction, that's very impressive and it gives you an edge over other candidates when you apply for a job.

If you recently graduated, we assume you're preparing to enter the professional realm.

While universities award a cum laude distinction to students as recognition of their dedication and commitment to their education, it can be tricky to list them on a resume.

However, listing Cum Laude on your resume can add value to your resume and make you stand out in the eyes of the recruiter.

And so, let's discuss some tips to help list your cum laude distinction on a resume.

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Why is it worth including cum laude on your resume?

If you graduated with a Magna or Summa cum laude distinctions, they are worth listing in your resume when you're looking for a job. It can really help you as it is a reflection of your work ethics and passion.

Quality recruiters are always looking forward to hiring individuals with such achievements. Not only does it makes you stand out in the recruiter's eyes, but it also expedites the recruitment process.

This is because an application tracking system or ATS picks up on these keywords and moves the resume to the top.

You're probably wondering why you should mention a cum laude distinction in the education section when most recruiters focus on the experience section.

Well, it does matter, especially when you are a fresh graduate with little or no work experience. In addition to this, it proves useful in particular industries where managers have certain academic requirements.

Hence, listing cum laude is beneficial, and you should always do it!

Let's now move onto the tips regarding how you can mention cum laude in your resume

Following are the steps that one must follow when mentioning cum laude distinction on the resume:

  1. Determine how you would like to mention your cum laude distinction
  2. Make sure you are using a proper format
  3. Decide whether you need to mention your grade point average (GPA)
  4. Go through the job description carefully

Let's now talk about each of these in detail

1. Determine how you would like to  mention your cum laude distinction

You can list a cum laude distinction on your resume using two ways. One way to do this is to include them in the education section, while another is to include them separately under the awards section.

Now, it is entirely up to you as to where you want to list cum laude distinction of yours.

However, it is pertinent to mention that you must have at least two distinctions to mention if you are choosing to mention your achievements separately in an awards section.

The more, the merrier! And, when you list them, make sure to mention them in a bullet form.

Related Reading:

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2. Make sure you use a proper  format

Once you decide where you want to list your cum laude achievements, the next step is to make sure that you mention them in a proper format.

This is to ensure your resume not only comes off as presentable but is easy to read through as well. Therefore, it is best to list cum laude achievements in italics using lower case letters.

Whether you want to mention it in the same line as your degree or separately, it is up to you.

Just make sure that you use a proper format, so the resume is uniform across different sections.

3. Decide whether or not you need to mention  your grade point average (GPA)

It is your choice whether you want to mention your GPA alongside your cum laude achievements or not.

If you ask us, then we would say that it is unnecessary to mention both GPA and cum laude distinction on the resume. This is because cum laude achievement in itself is an indication of you securing a higher GPA.

However, at the same time, it is best if you mention both, as certain job openings require candidates to mention their GPA.

Moreover, you never know which employer might want to see both GPA and cum laude distinction. Hence, it is best if you just mention both.

Other than this, schools have their own set of requirements to earn a cum laude distinction. So, one way you could stand out is by mentioning your GPA.

4. Go through the job description  carefully

The key to a perfect resume is to read the job description properly and thoroughly. Once you read it, tweak your resume as per the company's requirements.

Some employers may specifically ask you to mention if you have achieved any special honors or awards throughout your academic journey.

Usually, employers mention this information in the section of the educational requirements after the brief job description.

5. Places to avoid mentioning cum  laude distinction in

List your cum laude achievements either in the education section or separately under awards sections.

Be sure to avoid listing them in the section where you talk about your experience and skill set.

All in all, make sure to customize your resume as per the job description given. Aside from mentioning cum laude achievements in your resume, you can also consider including them in your cover letter as well.

Where to Put Cum Laude in a Resume

Source: https://myresumeseed.com/blogs/career-insights/how-to-put-cum-laude-on-resume/

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